We took years of feedback from our community and integrated it into a redesigned wood burning camp stove that has more power, energy storage and a completely new LED interface. Below, we’ve gathered a roundup of customer reviews so you can see what everyone is saying about the new BioLite CampStove 2.
CampStove 2 In The News

Popular Mechanics: Things Come Apart
"The idea behind BioLite's CampStove is simple: Build a fire, use the fire to generate electricity, then use a portion of the electricity to power a fan that helps the fire burn cleaner and hotter for longer, so it can keep making power. The guys who built the first prototype were mostly interested in using it for camping, so it's about the size of a large can of pork and beans and weighs just a couple of pounds. But a fortuitous misadventure at a combustion conference led them to realize their simple idea could be useful in developing countries, so they also make and sell a larger version for cooking family meals and powering homes..."
It took the Popular Mechanics team 1 hour, 51 minutes, 17 seconds to disassemble our CampStove 2 into 79 parts. Watch the video below to see what they found.
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BioLite’s New CampStove 2 Improves on the Original In Just About Every Way
“Most of the improvements to the CampStove can be found under the hood. For instance, BioLite says that its latest model is more efficient, producing 50 percent more energy than the original version. That allows it to power up the stove’s removable 2600 mAh battery pack more quickly while also powering the onboard four-speed fan too. That fan that not only helps the stove to cook more efficiently but keeps the amount of smoke generated to a minimum as well. The CampStove 2 also comes with an LED dashboard that provides information on the amount of power that is available in the battery pack, the current speed setting for the fan, and the amount of heat being produced by the flame. The new stove even ships with one of BioLite’s handy FlexLight, a USB powered lamp that helps you cook after dark.”
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The Best Tech For Any Disaster
“The stove burns twigs and sticks for warmth and cooking purposes while simultaneously converting some of that energy to electricity, made available via USB. The newest version generates 50 percent more power and has an improved LED readout and an integrated battery for later use. Its built-in fan creates a well-stoked, smokeless fire, so even tenderfoots will be able to keep their micro-blaze burning in a pinch."
Read Full ReviewVan Life Diaries
On how easily CampStove 2 fits into van life:
"With 50% more power and integrated battery, you can feel assured that this stove will last for several days or weeks in the backcountry. You can charge your devices from the electricity generated from your fire, and you can even watch a LED dashboard to see your fire strength, power output and fan speed settings.
It would be easy for BioLite to keep producing the same products as they are tried and true, but we are grateful that they keep pushing the envelope to make them even better. The upgrades made to this stove make it more efficient, reliable and user-friendly."
Read Full ReviewHave you taken the CampStove 2 out for a spin? Leave a review and help out fellow users! You can also share stories, photos, and feedback with us at support@bioliteenergy.com.