BioLite HomeStove user Erinah Nabisubi aka Mama Box shares her story of using the Stove and spreading the word.
In emerging markets, creating access to energy includes supporting financial programs that help potential owners afford their new technology. One such example is Erinah who was able to take advantage of a loan program to purchase four HomeStoves for both her business and her extended family.

I am Erinah Nabisubi I work at Mulago Hospital. I'm a business woman - I have a canteen. This stove cooks very fast! I wanted to buy the HomeStove for my business so I could save money - and I decided to buy it for my family as well so they could save, too.

I bought four stoves through microfinance last year. This made it much easier for me to get all of them at once - a year later, I have paid back all the loans now. I have one at my business, one at my auntie's, one at my mum's, and one at my grandfather's. We used to buy expensive charcoal or use a lot of firewood for a three stone fire. The three stone fire gave a lot of smoke - the HomeStove, we don't see any smoke. I don't know where the smoke goes! Now we use only small pieces of firewood and save money.
At night when the electricity is off, the Biolite HomeStove gives us light outside at the cooking area and we can charge our phones without waiting for power to come back. This boils water fast and my expectations were met. I have tested this - it is good. I am a very happy woman!

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