Hats off to Ichihashi-san

For the past 2 years, Ichihashi-san has been making videos of BioLite products all throughout Japan. He even made us our very own theme song. 
We'll let the videos speak for themselves -- you're in for a treat.

Arigato, Ichihashi-san!

We begin with a classic Ichihashi video - happy, great music, and always leaves us hungry.



Ichihashi is the founder of BioLite Club, a group of outdoor enthusiasts who come together to camp and cook on BioLite products. At their latest gathering, they made this great instructional video on the perfect grilled mackerel sandwich.



The slow-mo in this video is particularly amazing.


And last but certainly not least, we end on the theme song Ichihashi had a friend compose for us - and yes, we sing this in the office. A lot.



Have a BioLite video of your own? Tell us about it and email us at stories@biolitestove.com!
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