Spend Valentine's Day Outdoors Cooking with Biolite

    First, a story we can’t help but share:


    My BioLite Date

    A bit intimidated on a first date with a very outdoorsy girl, I needed to find a way to find the right balance of wholesome, fun, natural, and unique...I decided that we would take a hike together in the woods nearby, find a nice spot overlooking a scenic view, make some coffee and enjoy some afternoon snacks. Here is where BioLite saved the day. The CampStove cut the awkwardness of the moment. She was so floored by the concept of a camping stove that was not gas-run. And we had a great time looking around us to find the perfectly sized twigs and wood chips. Within a few quick minutes we had a pot of delicious coffee, the sun started to set and we were off to the races. I know what I'm buying my girlfriend for our first anniversary, the BioLite Kettle Pot - so that our coffee making experience can be complete!”
    -J. Fish, Amazon Review



    This Valentine’s Day, follow J's story of success and take your special someone outside. A beautiful view or a great hike beats any prix-fixe menu in our book.

    We’re happy to say that we’ve been recipe testing over here, and we’ve got some meals up our sleeve that we think are the perfect combo for an all-natural Valentine’s Day hit. Make all three or just pick one, it’s up to you, but it’s a great way to have some fun:


    Cupid Kebabs | Backpacker's Nightcap | Campfire Caramel Bananas


    Cupid Kebabs

    Cupid Kebabs on a BioLite Grill


    Yeah, the name sounds silly, but it tastes great. Trust us.


    • 1/2 lb of Steak cubes
    • 2 Red Peppers
    • 1 Red Onion, diced
    • 6 Whole button or cremini Mushrooms, cleaned and sliced in half
    • Bag of spices (pinch of cumin, pinch of paprika, salt, pepper)
    • Olive Oil
    • 6 Skewers
    • 1 BioLite CampStove
    • 1 BioLite Portable Grill


    Cut red peppers in half and then quarters. With the flat part of the pepper, cut heart shapes (we told you, silly, but sweet). Slide steak, mushrooms, red onions, and heart peppers onto skewers. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle spices along skewer. Grill for 10 minutes, rotating sides until meat has a nice sear.


    Backpacker's Nightcap

    Mulled Wine


    We discovered this easy mulled wine recipe after a recent snowstorm that kept us inside, and we were excited to adapt it for the outdoors. Just imagine sipping on this sweet warm delight while watching the sun set.  We halved the recipe and made a few tweaks and recommendations of our own:

    • Looking to save space or weight? Bring a tetrapack of wine. We like Bandit, and they come in 500ml sizes which is perfect for our recipe.
    • Backpacker's tip: Pre-bag all your spices into a single baggie before you head out
    • Slice 1 orange and bag it. Way easier than zesting, juicing, etc.
    • Adjust sweetness to your own liking by using honey straws


    • 2 cups apple cider
    • ½ bottle of red wine or 375 ml of Cabernet Sauvignon
    • 1/8 cup honey
    • 1 orange, sliced and bagged before you head out
    • 1 cinnamon stick, placed in a spice bag before you head out
    • 2 whole cloves, placed in a spice bag before you head out
    • 1 star anise, placed in a spice bag before you head out
    • 1 BioLite CampStove
    • 1 BioLite KettlePot


    Combine the cider, wine, cinnamon sticks, oranges (save 2 slices for garnish), cloves, and star anise in the KettlePot. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes. Pour into mugs, and add orange slice. Stir in honey sticks for sweetness.


    Okay, now that we’ve really gone far with the Valentine theme, let’s serve up dessert with a variation on a campfire classic….

    Campfire Caramel Bananas

    Caramel Glazed Bananas on a BioLite Grill


    In the spirit of bucking Valentine’s Day trends, we’re skipping chocolate all together and offering an impressive but easy dessert that will go really well with that mulled wine you’re sipping on. The banana gets warm and gooey while the brown sugar caramelizes and mixes with the cinnamon adding a rich smokiness. Chocolate truffles don’t stand a chance.


    • 2 Unpeeled Bananas
    • 2 Tbsp Brown Sugar
    • ¼ Tsp cinnamon, (premix and bag it with the sugar for easy portability)
    • 1 BioLite CampStove
    • 1 BioLite Portable Grill

    Slice the bananas lengthwise, keeping the peels on, and open up the center slightly. Sprinkle sugar-cinnamon mixture inside and seal entire banana in tin foil. Place on Portable Grill and cook for about 10 minutes. (And if you’re dying for a little chocolate in there, feel free to toss some chocolate chips or, our favorite, a spoonful of Nutella at the end)


    There you have it. A full BioLite meal, perfect for those looking to do something a little different this Valentine’s Day. Let us know if you try it out.

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