Follow the flowchart to figure out how to feed yourself at your next festival.

You're A Grillmaster
You are ready to fire up a complete mobile kitchen and serve some gourmet meals to you, your friends, and new friends alike. You like the control of knowing what’s on the menu surprising your friends with a few extra treats. Pro Tip #1: If you plan to grill meat, pack it frozen in your cooler to prolong storability while keeping your veggies and other fellow perishables nice and cold. Pro Tip #2: Pack a bunch of spices. They take up almost no weight and add a ton of flavor.
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You're A Two-Step Chef
You’re down to feed yourself, but you’re ultimately looking to keep it simple; if you can do it quickly and easily you’re game but fine dicing is out of the question. Our recommendation? Check out the world of dehydrated meals and pack some fresh herbs to add a vibrant kick to your dish with almost no effort. If you can boil water, you can do this.
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You're A Treat Seeker
You’re not looking to spend your time prepping and cooking; you’d rather wait on a line and have the food come to you (and hey, that’s okay!) Try to look up food vendors in advance of your festival to make sure you don’t have any dietary deserts and research if it’s a cash or credit type of situation. You may not be packing your meals, but we highly recommend packing a snack or two in case food stalls run out or lines are crazy long when you’re crazy hungry.
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Want to have an epic camp kitchen?
Check out the Foodwise Festival Bundle, save $84 off of the regular price.