Field Notes: Up Into The Andes
Not only is Taylor Glenn an incredibly talented photographer, he’s also a genuinely good person who cares deeply about giving back. You get a sense of his ability...
Disaster Relief Efforts
Get updates here as well as our social accounts with details of where the Luci lights will be available. From all...
In the News: Northfield Woman Gathers Luci Lights for Puerto Rico
By Shelby Ashline, originally published by the Greenfield Recorder here Photos by...
Giving the Gift of Light to Mbaya
By Olf Mouyaka My name is Olf Mouyaka. Here is some background information on myself and how I discovered Luci lights. Nine years ago my family and I...
Darla's Day
Meet Darla. She's a lifelong resident of St. Helene, a three mile long island off the coast of the larger island of Roatán, only accessible by boat. Before we...
Hello ¡Hola! Idabiña
Earlier this year, two MPOWERD employees (Scott Klimcke, Art Director, and Joe Rappaport, Director of International Sales) had the opportunity to join our friends at the nonprofit Abundant Life...
Field Notes: More Than A Trek
Contributing Writer: Karen Bennett We made our way from a little village in the heart of the Gorkha District, in the middle hills of...
Fogoma’iu Village, Papua New Guinea | 2016 In partnership with Irish Cave Explorers + Axel Hack The Kosua People of the Kikori River Basin have lived in...
Jambo Kibera
By Angela Rizner Welcome to Kibera, Kenya: a rapidly growing “slum” located only three miles from the center of downtown Nairobi. Although population estimates range widely due...
Opportunity Isn't Lost in the Dark
By Angela Rizner Kibera is a tough place to grow up.“Sometimes you think you’re on your path, but you’re wrong” explains ten-year old Shaun, a...
The Safe Answer to an Open Flame
By Angela Rizner Diana sits quietly washing dishes by kerosene lamp. In the middle of the day it is dark in her home. One small window sheds...
This is Kibera
Shining Light On... is a new series bringing to light the stories and people that deserve our attention. Our first stop is Kibera, home to one of...
For Women: It's Just Us and Our Babies
By Angela Rizner “I work so that I can support my children. One day, they’ll work to support me. This is how we take care of...
Field Notes: Finding Purpose in the Journey
Contributing Writer: Brian Flick As a company, we expect customers to reach out to us. But when we were founded in 2012, we never could have anticipated the...
A Little Solar Light Sparks BIG Changes For Women In Kenya
What started as a program to bring solar light to rural Kenya led to an unexpected reversal of an extremely harmful tradition for young women. So how did it happen?...
Kathmandu, Nepal | 2016 The lights help with more than just education, too. Up until this point, most rural Nepali families have had no choice but...
Kathmandu, Nepal | 2016 The day the earthquake hit, Kids of Kathmandu immediately mobilized to provide school supplies and temporary classrooms...
Rakesh (7) and Sunil (5) Kathmandu, Nepal | 2016 Rakesh and Sunil are students at Mangalabhairab Primary School. As the rambunctious younger brother, Sunil loves using...
Kathmandu, Nepal | 2016 Workers begin to lay the foundation for one of the first 9 schools, making sure they will be fortified against future monsoons...
Kathmandu, Nepal | 2016 The journey to and from each school is a long one, often involving steep, mountainous terrain and in some cases, stretches that can...
Kathmandu, Nepal | 2016 It's been year since the devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. Almost 5000 schools were destroyed, preventing tens of thousands of kids from...
Welcome to the Jungle - Cave Explorers in Papua New Guinea
In December of 2015, an Irish-led team of 14 cave explorers went on an expedition to Papua New Guinea’s Southern Highlands province to map the caves and underground rivers of...
Gaza | 2016 In partnership with Rebuilding Alliance Many families have lost their entire homes due to the constant warfare in Gaza. With...
Ameer Gaza | 2016 In partnership with Rebuilding Alliance “I was an ambulance driver during the 51 day bombing of Gaza in the...
Gaza | 2016 In partnership with Rebuilding Alliance At 43%, Gaza has the highest unemployment rate in the world. Rolling blackouts last 8-10...
From Relief to Rebuilding – One Year After the Nepal Earthquake
UPDATE - Thanks to YOU, we were able to send over 500 lights to school kids in Nepal! Kids of Kathmandu is working to rebuild 50 schools...
Refugee Relief
In addition to much needed medical supplies, International Medical Corps will deliver Luci lights to the Syrian refugees in Europe. For the entire...
Refugee Relief
In 2015, MPOWERD partnered with International Medical Corps (IMC) to begin delivering Luci lights to the Syrian refugees in Europe.
Fogoma'iu village, Papua New Guinea | 2016 In partnership with Irish Cave Explorers + Axel Hack Cave explorers consult with their Kosua...
Darai Plateau, Papua New Guinea | 2016 In partnership with Irish Cave Explorers + Axel Hack With over 5000 square kilometers of tangled...
Humanitarian Aid
Iraq | 2015 Refugee children in Iraq test out new Luci lights given to them through Operation Blessing.
Walifani Cave, Papua New Guinea | 2016 In partnership with Irish Cave Explorers + Axel Hack The entrance to Walifani Cave is an important spiritual site for...
Q’eros, Peru | 2014 Kidnected World and Willka Yachay teamed up to bring solar Luci...
Jason Fitzgibbon Clark Fork Watershed, Montana | 2015 Jason cooks a meal while camping during the filming of The Last Great Place, a documentary highlighting the wilderness...
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